Whether it’s to cheer you up after lunch, to accompany your afternoon coffee or to end your dinner on a high note, a sweet treat always goes down well, doesn’t it? So if you’re one of those who can ...
In Rio de Janeiro, there is no shortage of options for those who like a bar. Whether it’s for drinking and listening to live music, enjoying the best beers or…...
Did you know that, since 2007, the first Friday in August has been set aside to celebrate International Beer Day. The date was created in California, but around here, we know that cariocas don’t even need a specif...
Did you know that July 7th is World Chocolate Day? Not that we need a specific day to indulge in the sweet stuff, do we? But since it’s the right date, we’ve put together some tips on places to eat chocolate...
Fernanda Abreu always said it was Rio 40 degrees, but the truth is that summer here is getting hotter and hotter! So there’s nothing wrong with eating a delicious ice cream to cool off in the heat, is there? From...