Many Cariocas received the new Civil Defense alert on their cell phones last Wednesday (29). The message, issued for the first time in Rio de Janeiro, informs the population and guides them through the risks of landslides, floods and other rain-related disasters. Find out more about how the tool works!
Civil Defense alert signals risks of climate disasters
For the first time, Rio residents received an alert from the Civil Defense as a result of the heavy rains in the city. However, this tool has already been in place in other southern and southeastern states since the end of last year.
The main objective of the new system is to alert the population to the risks of climate disasters, such as floods and landslides.
Based on the location of the cell phones, the Civil Defense of each state sends the message and informs the risks according to the level. What’s more, the service is free, with no prior registration required.
To receive the signal, you need a cell phone bought after 2020, as these models are more compatible with the technology, and access to the operators’ 4G or 5G networks.
Cariocas react to ‘extreme alert’ on social media
The news, however, generated a lot of reactions from Cariocas! That’s because the message is not at all discreet!
Upon receiving the message, the devices also receive a loud beep and vibrate. What’s more, this alarm even works in silent mode and only leaves the screen when the user reads the message, in a technology called “cellbroadcast”.
Cariocas, of course, didn’t miss the opportunity to comment and express their experiences on social media!
What to do in the event of heavy rain in Rio de Janeiro
Anyone who lives in Rio de Janeiro already knows about the countless problems and risks that heavy rains can cause in the city. So the new alert is also a way of reinforcing measures to keep cariocas safe.
So be sure to check the weather forecast and the alerts published on official channels to avoid unnecessary travel.
If you’re already out, don’t walk or drive on flooded roads and seek safe shelter immediately , away from trees or metal structures!
In case of emergencies, call 199.